【書摘】索多姆和戈摩爾—半夢半醒之間 (Sleeper V.S. Slumber) 3-1
L’attelage du sommeil, semblable à celui du soleil, va d’un pas si égal, dans une atmosphère où ne peut plus l’arrêter aucune résistance, qu’il faut quelque petit caillou aérolithique étranger à nous (dardé de l’azur par quel Inconnu) pour atteindre le sommeil régulier (qui sans cela n’aurait aucune raison de s’arrêter et durerait d’un mouvement pareil jusque dans les siècles des siècles) et le faire, d’une brusque courbe, revenir vers le réel, brûler les étapes, traverser les régions voisines de la vie – où bientôt le dormeur entendra, de celle-ci, les rumeurs presque vagues encore, mais déjà perceptibles, bien que déformées – et atterrir brusquement au réveil.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )
睡眠之車,活像太陽之車,在任何幹擾都無法阻擋的氣氛中跬步前進,以至於需要有一塊天外隕石 (被哪位陌路神仙從藍天外?) 向我們擊射過來,才會打中正常安隱的睡眠 (否則,它絕無任何理由止步,而是步步深入循序漸進,持續千年萬年不肯蘇醒。),使它來個急轉彎,回轉到現實中來,十萬火急,迅速穿越一個個與生活毗鄰的地區——在那裡,睡眠者頓時聽到生活的嘈雜聲,雖然不倫不類,仍然隱隱約約,但卻依稀可辨——冷不妨在清醒之地著陸。
(p.407 追憶似水年華 IV索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版 1992)
The horses of sleep, like those of the sun, move at so steady a pace, in an atmosphere in which there is no longer any resistance, that it requires some little aerolith extraneous to ourselves (hurled from the azure by some Unknown) to strike our regular sleep (which otherwise Would have no reason to stop, and would continue with a similar motion world without end) and to make it swing sharply round, return towards reality, travel without pause, traverse the regions bordering on life in which presently the sleeper will hear the sounds that come from life, quite vague still, but already perceptible, albeit corrupted—and come to earth suddenly and awake.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )
Sleep’s horses, like those of the sun, move at so uniform a pace, in an atmosphere where no resistance can any longer arrest them, that some small alien aerolite is needed (hurled from the azure by Unknown Hand?) if this regular sleep is to be affected (which would otherwise have no reason to stop but would endure with a similar motion until the end of time) and made to return, wheeling suddenly about, toward reality, traversing without drawing breath the borderlands of life-the sounds of which, vague almost as yet, but already perceptible, though distorted, the sleeper will soon be hearing-and come abruptly to earth at our waking.
(Translated by John Sturrock)
L’attelage du sommeil, semblable à celui du soleil, va d’un pas si égal, dans une atmosphère où ne peut plus l’arrêter aucune résistance, qu’il faut quelque petit caillou aérolithique étranger à nous (dardé de l’azur par quel Inconnu) pour atteindre le sommeil régulier (qui sans cela n’aurait aucune raison de s’arrêter et durerait d’un mouvement pareil jusque dans les siècles des siècles) et le faire, d’une brusque courbe, revenir vers le réel, brûler les étapes, traverser les régions voisines de la vie – où bientôt le dormeur entendra, de celle-ci, les rumeurs presque vagues encore, mais déjà perceptibles, bien que déformées – et atterrir brusquement au réveil.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )
睡眠之車,活像太陽之車,在任何幹擾都無法阻擋的氣氛中跬步前進,以至於需要有一塊天外隕石 (被哪位陌路神仙從藍天外?) 向我們擊射過來,才會打中正常安隱的睡眠 (否則,它絕無任何理由止步,而是步步深入循序漸進,持續千年萬年不肯蘇醒。),使它來個急轉彎,回轉到現實中來,十萬火急,迅速穿越一個個與生活毗鄰的地區——在那裡,睡眠者頓時聽到生活的嘈雜聲,雖然不倫不類,仍然隱隱約約,但卻依稀可辨——冷不妨在清醒之地著陸。
(p.407 追憶似水年華 IV索多姆和戈摩爾 聯經版 1992)
The horses of sleep, like those of the sun, move at so steady a pace, in an atmosphere in which there is no longer any resistance, that it requires some little aerolith extraneous to ourselves (hurled from the azure by some Unknown) to strike our regular sleep (which otherwise Would have no reason to stop, and would continue with a similar motion world without end) and to make it swing sharply round, return towards reality, travel without pause, traverse the regions bordering on life in which presently the sleeper will hear the sounds that come from life, quite vague still, but already perceptible, albeit corrupted—and come to earth suddenly and awake.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff )
Sleep’s horses, like those of the sun, move at so uniform a pace, in an atmosphere where no resistance can any longer arrest them, that some small alien aerolite is needed (hurled from the azure by Unknown Hand?) if this regular sleep is to be affected (which would otherwise have no reason to stop but would endure with a similar motion until the end of time) and made to return, wheeling suddenly about, toward reality, traversing without drawing breath the borderlands of life-the sounds of which, vague almost as yet, but already perceptible, though distorted, the sleeper will soon be hearing-and come abruptly to earth at our waking.
(Translated by John Sturrock)